Thursday, 10 February 2011

Woody Herman - The V Disc Years - 1944-45 - Vol 1 - Label ID. HEP34

Woody Herman - The V Disc Years - 1944-45 - Vol 1 - Label ID. HEP34


Happiness Is Just A Thing Called Joe (Arlen Harburg)
Red Top (Herman)
Jones Beachhead (Heft/)
I Can't Put My Arms Around
A Memory (Eilington George)
There Are No Wings On A Foxhole (Berlin)
Apple Honey (Heft/ Burns Herman)
Time Waits For No One (Tobias Frend)


Billy Bauer's Tune (Bauer)
Golden Wedding (]. Noble)
I've Got The World On A String (Koeh/er Arlen)
Yeah Man (Segure)
Lover Man (Sherman Ramirez Davis) (Ah)
Your Father's Moustache (Herman Harris) 

ID. 100321 - Woody Herman - The V Disc Years - 1944-45 - Vol 1 - Label ID. HEP34

1 comment:

  1. Colin, the (UK) Hep LP's 34 and 35 are called THE V DISC YEARS instead of the Verve Years. Verve Records were not involved.
    Jan K.
